General Information:

Designation : Assistant Professor on Contract

General Information:

Designation : Assistant Professor on Contract

Mobile : 9747406488

Email : [email protected]

Address : Krishna Nivas, Vadavathoor(PO), Kottayam

Department : Post Graduate Department of Commerce (SF)

Area of Specialization : Accounting

  • NET: January 2017
  • M com, MG University, finance,2015
  • B com, MG University, finance and taxation,2013

Teaching Experience : 4 years

SL.No Semester Paper code UG- Title PG- Title
1 1 MG1DSCBLW100 Corporate regulations and administration
2 2 CM010202 Human Resource Management
3 3 CM810301 Logistics and supply chain Management
4 4 CM810410 Retail and Rural marketing
5 5 CO5CRT16

Open course

Financial management &

fundamentals of accounting

6 6 CO6CRT19 Auditing and Assurance Assurance