The College is accredited with ‘A+’ Grade with a cumulative grade point of 3.46 on 20th February 2023 by the National Assessment and Accreditation Council.

B.C.M College is an educational institution owned and managed by the Corporate Educational Agency of Colleges of the Archeparchy of Kottayam for the Knanaya Catholic Community.His Grace Mar Mathew Moolakkatt, Metropolitan Arch Bishop of Kottayam is the patron of the college. Rev. Fr. Alex Akkaparambil is the manager and Rev.Fr.Philmon Kalathra is the Secretary,Corporate Educational Agency of colleges.

The general management of the college is vested in the governing body whose ex-officio president is the manager. The internal administration of the college is done by the Principal who is assisted by the Vice Principals,Bursar and the college council in administrative and academic matters.