General Information:
Designation : Assistant Professor(HOD- in charge)
Mobile : 9487886634
Email : [email protected]
Address : Madappallikunnel, Josgiri Adoration Provincial House, Kilianthara (P.O), Iritty(Via), 670706 (Pin)Kannur
Department : Family and Community Science (FACS)
Area of Specialization : Dietetics and Food Service Management, Food Science and Nutrition
- Ph.D, Avinashilingam Institute for Home Science and Higher Education for Women, Food Science and Nutrition, 2016-2021
- M.Sc, MG University, Dietetics and Food Service Management, 2012-2014
- B.Sc., Kannur University, Home Science, 2008-2011
Teaching Experience : 3 years
Student centered Lecturing, Career oriented guidance, Training provided for Academic excellence, Group activity, Seminars, Conference.
- B Com (CBCSS) Project evaluation & Viva Voce Examiner at St. Mary’s College Manarcaud on 03.04.2019 -04.04.2019
- Examiner for the conduct of B. Com Finance & Taxation Project/Viva voce examination at CMS College Kottayam (Autonomous) on 27.03.2019.
- B Com (CBCSS) Project evaluation & Viva Voce Examiner at Baselius College Kottayam on 16.04.2018-17.04.2018.
- Coordinator of one day Cluster Workshop for Internal Mentors of WWS Programme organized by Directorate of Collegiate Education, Government of Kerala at BCM College Kottayam on 10.01.2017
- Coordinator of One Day Capacity Building Workshop for Coordinators and Internal Mentors of WWS Programme of the Directorate of Collegiate Education, Government of Kerala held at BCM College Kottayam on 26.01.2016
Sl.No | Year | Publication Title | Name of Journal |
National/International Vol & Issue | Page No(s) |
1 | 2015 | “Health Profile and Complications among Selected Pregnant Mothers (19-35 Years) |
Seminar Proceedings |
National | 78- 81 |
2 | 2018 | “Knowledge on Traditional Medicinal Foods among the tribal adolescents Girls (13- 18yrs)” in ICMR Sponsored International Conference on Omics Technologies in Nutritional Research on. |
Seminar proceedings |
International | 131- 134 |
3 | 2017 | “Effect of National Food Security Act on the Health status of tribal Adolescents | Research Highlights |
Vol.27, No. 4. October 2017 | 35- 42 |
4 | 2017 | “Assessment of Nutritional status and Menstrual Hygiene among the Tribal Adolescent girls” in International Conference on Wellbeing Organized by Department of Education, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli, Tamilnadu |
Roots International Journal of Multidisciplinary Researches |
Nov 2017, ISSN:2349- 8684, Vol.4 Impact factor:3.48 | 112- 1117 |
5 | 2017 | Implementing Sustainable, Healthy Nutriture By Introducing Diplazium Esculentum Among The Tribal Adolescent Girls Wayanad District Kerala. |
Asian Journal of multidimensional Research (AJMR) (Double Blind Refereed & Reviewed International Journal) UGC Approved Journal |
ISSN: 2278-4853 Vol 7, Spl Issue -5, Dec 2018. Impact Factor: SJIF 2017 = 5.443 | 91- 96 |
6 | 2018 | Medicinal Properties Of Functional Plant Foods Used By The Selected Tribal Communities |
Asian Journal of multidimensional Research (AJMR) (Double Blind Refereed & Reviewed International Journal) UGC Approved Journal |
ISSN: 2278-4853 Vol 7, Issue 2, February 2018 Spl 2 Impact Factor: SJIF=4.708 |
113- 118 |
by Dietary department , general
Sl.No | Title of Seminar/ Conference etc |
Title of Paper | Invited/ Participation /Contribution |
Agency/ Venue |
Date | National/ Internatiol/ Regional |
1 | Sustainable health and wellness issues and challenges |
“Health Profile and Complications among Selected Pregnant Mothers (19-35 Years) |
Paper presented |
Morning Star College Angamaly |
12/08/2015 | National |
2 | OTNR 2018 ICMR Sponsored Internationa l Conference |
“Knowledge on Traditional Medicinal Foods among the tribal adolescents Girls (13-18yrs)” in |
Paper presented |
Department of Foods and Nutrition, DKM College, |
10/01/2018 | International |
on Omics Technologie s in Nutritional Research on. |
Vellore, Tamilnadu |
3 | Food Security |
“Effect of National Food Security Act on the Health status of tribal Adolescents” in National Conference. | Paper presented |
Organized by Departmen t of Commerce, Avinashilin gam Institute for Home science |
October 2017 | National |
4 | Internationa l Conference on Wellbeing |
“Assessment of Nutritional status and Menstrual Hygiene among the Tribal Adolescent girls” in |
Paper presented |
Organized by Departmen t of Education, Manonman iam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli, Tamilnadu |
Nov 2017 | International |
5 | Internationa l Conference Jubilee celebration |
Implementing Sustainable, Healthy Nutriture By Introducing Diplazium Esculentum Among The Tribal Adolescent Girls Wayanad District Kerala. |
Paper presented |
NIN Hyderabad |
Dec 2018. | International |
6 | Food Safety | “Food safety and Agricultural Co operation” |
Poster presented |
Seminar Organized by Dietary department , general Hospital, Ernakulam |
16/10/2012 | Regional |
7 | “Diet and Hypertension” |
Poster presented |
Seminar Organized by Dietary department , general Hospital, Ernakulam |
08/04/2013 | Regional | |
8 | Importance of Diet Counselling and Nutrition Guidelines to the Obese Expectant |
Poster presented |
ICMR and NSI Sponsored Internation al Conference . Avinashilin gam Institute for Home Science and higher Education for Women , Coimbator e, 641043 |
3/9/20 17 |
Internationa l |
Sl.No | Title | Funding Agency |
Venue | Date | Regional/ National /International |
1 | “Focus on Food Safety in Globalized Market” | Health Department Kerala State |
Seminar Organized by Dietary department, general Hospital, Ernakulam |
16/10 /2012 |
Regional |
2 | “Diet and Hypertension” |
Health Department Kerala State |
Seminar Organized by Dietary department, general Hospital, Ernakulam |
08/04 /2013 |
Regional |
3 | “Arogya Hrudhayam Nammude Kaipidiyil” | Caritas Scientific Club |
Caritas Scientific Club and Caritas | 27/07 /2013 |
Regional |
Hospital, Ernakulam |
4 | State level Conference – Indian Dietetic Association |
IDA | Kerala Chapter | 03/11 /2013 |
National |
5 | State level Conference – Indian Dietetic Association (National Dietetic Day) |
IDA | Kerala Chapter | 11/01 //201 4 |
National |
6 | Workshop on “Research Methodology in Social Science” | UGC | PG Department of Economics, Nirmalagiri College, Koothuparamba |
12-15 Octo ber, 2015 |
National |
7 | UGC Sponsored National Seminar on “Sustainable health and Wellness- Issues and Challenges” |
UGC | Department of Home Science, Morning Star Home Science College, Angamaly, Ernakulam |
12-13 Augu est 2015 |
National |
8 | Workshop on “Research Methods and SPSS Package” |
– | Avinashilingam Institute for Home Science and higher Education for Women , Coimbatore, 641043 |
14/11 /2016 |
Regional |
9 | “ Pre and Post Perspectives of Research Convention” |
IQAC | Avinashilingam Institute for Home Science and higher Education for Women , Coimbatore, 641043 |
04/03 /2017 |
National |
10 | One Day Workshop on “ Intellectual Property Rights and Patenting” | DST CURIE |
Avinashilingam Institute for Home Science and higher Education for Women , Coimbatore, 641043 |
20/07 /2017 |
National |
11 | Sponsored One Day Workshop on “Ethical Considerations In Research” |
Avinashilingam Institute for Home Science and higher Education for | 06/12 /2017 |
National |
Women , Coimbatore, 641043 |
12 | National Conference on “Scientific Perspectives of Home Science” | UGC | Avinashilingam Institute for Home Science and higher Education for Women , Coimbatore, 641043 |
6-7 Marc h 2017 |
National |
13 | International Conference on “Advances in Nutrition and Health Communication” |
ICMR and NSI |
Avinashilingam Institute for Home Science and higher Education for Women , Coimbatore, 641043 |
3-4 Augu st, 2017 |
International |
14 | International Conference on “Wellbeing” |
IMRF | Department of Education, Manonmaiam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli in collaboration with Voice of Teachers, |
6-7 Nove mber 2017. |
International |
15 | International Conference on Omics Technologies in Nutritional Research (OTNR-2018) |
ICMR | Organized by Department of Foods and Nutrition, DKM College, Vellore, Tamilnadu |
10-11 Janua ry 2018 |
International |
S/N | Semester | Paper Code |
UG- Title | PG – Title |
1. | 1 | HS1CRT01 | Methodology of Home Science and Food Science |
2. | 1 | HS1CRP01 | Food Science Practical | |
3. | 1 | HS010104 | Nutrition Through Life Cycle | |
4. | 3 | HS3CRT03 | Human Development | |
5. | 3 | HS3CRT03 | Human Development Practical |
6. | 5 | HS5CRT05 | Interior Decoration | |
7. | 5 | HS5CRT06 | Human Nutrition and Biochemistry |
8. | 5 | HS5CRT07 | Textile Science | |
9. | 5 | HS5CRT08 | Environmental Studies and Human Rights | |
10. | HS5OP4 | Self Empowerment Skill | ||
11. | HS5CRP05 | Interior Decoration Practical | ||
12. | HS5CRP06 | Human Nutrition and Biochemistry (P) | ||
13. | HS5CRP07 | Textile Science (P) | ||
14. | HS5CRP08 | Environmental Studies and Human Rights (P) | ||
15. | HSCBT02 | Early Childhood Care and Education (E) | ||
16. | HS3CRT09 | Family Resource Managements (T) |
17. | HS3CRT11 | Fashion Designing and Apparel Production (T) |
18. | HS3CRP09 | Family Resource Managements (P) |
19. | HS3CRP11 | Fashion Designing and Apparel Production (P) |
- University topper in Home science in 2011