General Information:

Designation : Assistant Professor on Contract.

Mobile : 9567594835.

Email : [email protected]

Address : Neduvelil (H),Vazhappally P.O, Changanacherry, Kottayam Dist. Pin: 686103.

Department : English

Area of Specialization : Communication Skills & ELT

  • MPhil, M.G. University, Kottayam English, 2015
  • M.A, M.G. University,Kottayam English Language & Literature, 2013
  • B.A., M.G. University, Kottayam English Language & Literature, 2011

Teaching Experience : 2.5 years

Flipped Classroom, Blended Learning, Work Based Learning, Student Led Learning and Active Learning

  • Translated files of the course Computational Thinking offered by IITM in Malayalam Language. Hours Translated: 3 (NPTEL Translation)
  • Translated files of the course Introduction to Psychology (109104105) offered by IIT Kanpur in Malayalam Language. Hours Translated: 5 (NPTEL Translation).
  • Co-ordinated the Faculty Development Programme on Research Methodology organized at Gaya College of Engineering, Gaya, Bihar from 7th to 11th January 2019.
  • Served as a member of the Disciplinary Committee, Extra Curricular Activities Committee and Annual Report Committee at Gaya College of Engineering, Gaya, Bihar.
S.No Year Publication Title Name of Journal / Proceedings National/International Vol & Issue Page No(s)
1 2014 “The Play of Prejudice: Study of
Jane Austen’s Pride and
Lux Montis National. Vol. 2, No.1, July 152-157
Sl. No Title of Seminar/ Conference etc Title of Paper Presentation/ Participation Agency/ Venue Date Level
1. The Politics of
Perspectives on
Gender and Theatre
“We- men on on Stage:
Questioning space for
Women in Theatre in
Tripurari Sharma’s Roop
Aroop- A Theatre Play”
Paper Presentation Department
of English,
Sl.No  Semester  Paper Code  UG- Title
1.  Common Course-1 EN1CCT01  Fine Tune Your English
2.  Common Course-2 EN1CCT02  Pearls from the Deep
3.  Core Course-1 
Methodology of Literary Studies
4.  II  Common Course-3 EN2CCT03  Issues that Matter
5.  II  Common Course-4 EN2CCT04  Savouring the Classics
6.  III  Common Course-5 EN3CCT05  Literature and/ as Identity
7.  III  Core Course -3 EN3CRT03  Harmony of Prose
8.  IV  Common Course-6 EN4CCT06  Illuminations
9.  IV  Complementary Course 4 
Evolution of Literary Movements: The Cross Currents  of Change
10.  EN5CROP03  Open Course- English for Careers
11.  Core Course 
Environmental Science and Human Rights
12.  VI  Core Course -13 EN6CRT13  Modern World Literature