Dr. Stephy Thomas

Rev. Fr. Philmon Kalathra
Secretary& Director (Self-Financing)
Secretary& Director (Self-Financing)

Dr. Annu Thomas
(Vice Principal)
(Vice Principal)

Dr. Riya Susan Scariah
(Dept. of English)
(Dept. of English)

Mr. Anil Steephen
Dept. of Malayalam
Dept. of Malayalam

Dr. Naveena J. Narithookil
Dept. of Hindi
Dept. of Hindi

Ms. Ann Johns
Dept. of Mathematics
Dept. of Mathematics

Dr. Smitha Joseph
Dept. of Physics
Dept. of Physics

Dr. Peter K. Mani
Dept. of Botany
Dept. of Botany

Ms. Priya Thomas
Dept. of Zoology
Dept. of Zoology

Dr. Remya M J
Dept. of Home Science
Dept. of Home Science

Dr. Ajis Ben Mathews
Dept. of History
Dept. of History

Ms. Shalini Thomas
Dept. of Economics
Dept. of Economics

Ms. Alphonsa Kurian
Dept. of Sociology
Dept. of Sociology

Mr. Jipin V Jimmy
Dept. of Commerce (Aided)
Dept. of Commerce (Aided)

Mr. Rajesh P.C.
Dept. of Physical Education
Dept. of Physical Education

Dr. V. S. Jose
Dept. of Commerce (S.F.)
Dept. of Commerce (S.F.)

Dr. Ipe Varughese
Dept. of Social Work
Dept. of Social Work

Ms. Anju Annette Cherian
Dept of F. S. Q. C.
Dept of F. S. Q. C.

Ms. Angitha Jeesis C
Dept. of Computer Science
Dept. of Computer Science

Sr. Sherly
Junior Superintendent
Junior Superintendent

Sr. Gracena
UGC Librarian
UGC Librarian