22nd Samanwaya 2025
Registration Link Concept Note
Vacancies for Assistant Professors
Bishop Chulaparambil Memorial (B.C.M.) College, Kottayam Phone: 0481-2562171, [email protected], www.bcmcollege.ac.in (Managed by Knanaya Catholic Archdiocese of Kottayam and affiliated to Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam) Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the post of Assistant Professors in Economcs and Mathematics in Bishop Chulaparambil Memorial College, Kottayam against permanent vacancies. Scale of pay, qualification, age etc and other conditions for appointments will be as per the norms of UGC/ University/ [...]
Mary Richmond series National Conference
Department of Social Work, BCM College, Kottayam is organizing the sixth edition of the Mary Richmond series National Conference on 25-26 May 2024. Please see the poster for details of the programme. Registration can be done using the following link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc2sNNps5mZrcesqpaEJCliLP8JqE6Js0AB4gE6JwfC8snavA/viewform?usp=sf_link
Vacancies – Guest Lecturer
Bishop Chulaparambil Memorial (B.C.M.) College, Kottayam 0481-2562171, [email protected], www.bcmcollege.ac.in A Christian Minority Institution under Knanaya Catholic ArchDiocese of Kottayam and affiliated to Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam അപേക്ഷകൾ ക്ഷണിക്കുന്നു കോട്ടയം: ബി.സി.എം കോളേജിൽ ഒഴിവുള്ള സ്റ്റാറ്റിസ്റ്റിക്സ്, ഇംഗ്ലീഷ്, മാത്തമാറ്റിക്സ്, കൊമേഴ്സ്, സൈക്കോളജി, ഇക്കണോമിക്സ്, ഹിസ്റ്ററി, സോഷ്യോളജി എന്നീ എയ്ഡഡ് വിഭാഗങ്ങളിലേക്കും സൂവോളജി, കെമിസ്ട്രി സ്വാശ്രയ വിഭാഗങ്ങളിലേക്കും അതിഥി അദ്ധ്യാപകരുടെ അപേക്ഷ ക്ഷണിക്കുന്നു. ബയോഡേറ്റാ കോളേജ് ഒാഫീസിൽ നേരിട്ടോ പോസ്റ്റൽ മുഖാന്തരമോ 13/05/2024 തീയതി 4.ു.ാ ന് മുമ്പ് സമർപ്പിക്കേൺതാണ്. എയ്ഡഡ് വിഭാഗത്തിലെ അപേക്ഷകർ കോളേജ് വിദ്യാഭ്യാസ [...]
21st Samanwaya 2024
Samanwaya -2024 Concept note
Diwali celebrations
Diwali- the festival of lights was celebrated on 10th November 2023. An inter departmenal origami competition was conducted as part of the celebration.
Wanted Office Attendants
Bishop Chulaparambil Memorial (B.C.M.) College, Kottayam 0481-2562171, [email protected], www.bcmcollege.ac.in A Christian Minority Institution under Knanaya Catholic ArchDiocese of Kottayam and affiliated to Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam Applications are invited to the post of Office Attendants (5 Nos.). Subject to the approval of the government. Age and qualifications are as per the government/ university norms. Application forms can be obtained from the college office on payment of Rs. 1000/- (Rs. [...]
Awareness Class on Eye Donation
The Department of Chemistry in Association with District Hospital Kottayam Organizes an Awareness Class on Eye Donation on 25-11-2022 in the college auditorium
History Quiz Competition
History Quiz Competition by Kerala State Institute of Children's Literature and the Post Graduate Department of English, BCM College Kottayam on 19-11-2022 For Registration Click Here
National Workshop on Linear Algebra
Departments of Mathematics and Statistics organises a National Workshop on Linear Algebra on 14th October 2022. The resource persons are Dr.Rahul Rajan, Assistant Professor, St. Aloysius College, Elthuruth and Dr. Mahesh T.V, Assistant Professor, M.G College, Thiruvananthapuram. The workshop will be inaugurated at 9.30 a.m by Dr. Stephy Thomas, Principal, B.C.M College.
20th Samanwaya 2023
Samanwaya -2023 Concept note
Vacancies – Guest Lecturer
Bishop Chulaparambil Memorial (B.C.M.) College, Kottayam 0481-2562171, [email protected], www.bcmcollege.ac.in A Christian Minority Institution under Knanaya Catholic ArchDiocese of Kottayam and affiliated to Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam Applications are invited from eligible candidates to the posts of Guest Lecturer in Commerce (Aided & Self Financing), Hindi, Botany, Mathematics, Home-Science, History, English (Self Financing) and Chemistry at Bishop Chulaparambil Memorial (B.C.M. College) College Kottayam. Interested candidates send a copy of their [...]
Kalolsavam Sargodayam
Kalolsavam Sargodayam
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What do successful grads think you should study?
Learn to think smart. Etiam consectetur odio erat, quis mattis leo vestibulum non. Fusce ex ligula, tristique quis finibus sed, placerat sed libero. Phasellus convallis, sem ac tristique interdum, purus purus vehicula quam, ut fermentum sem orci in est. Aliquam leo purus, iaculis non condimentum hendrerit, vestibulum quis tortor. Vestibulum quis viverra felis. Vestibulum elementum magna ut diam placerat, in venenatis est egestas. Vivamus at libero auctor, ullamcorper [...]
Former student discusses success in the fashion industry
My success is no accident. Etiam consectetur odio erat, quis mattis leo vestibulum non. Fusce ex ligula, tristique quis finibus sed, placerat sed libero. Phasellus convallis, sem ac tristique interdum, purus purus vehicula quam, ut fermentum sem orci in est. Aliquam leo purus, iaculis non condimentum hendrerit, vestibulum quis tortor. Vestibulum quis viverra felis. Vestibulum elementum magna ut diam placerat, in venenatis est egestas. Vivamus at libero auctor, ullamcorper [...]
How do you best prepare for university?
Focus on exam results. Etiam consectetur odio erat, quis mattis leo vestibulum non. Fusce ex ligula, tristique quis finibus sed, placerat sed libero. Phasellus convallis, sem ac tristique interdum, purus purus vehicula quam, ut fermentum sem orci in est. Aliquam leo purus, iaculis non condimentum hendrerit, vestibulum quis tortor. Vestibulum quis viverra felis. Vestibulum elementum magna ut diam placerat, in venenatis est egestas. Vivamus at libero auctor, ullamcorper libero [...]