Gender Sensitization Plan

Awareness about Gender Equality or sexual equality enables all human beings to have easy and equal access to all opportunities and resources despite their biological differences. Everyone should enjoy equality in developing their own future, lifestyle, having the freedom to make decisions and gain access to equal representation in all spheres of life. Educational institutions play a vital role in imparting and ensuring gender equality. B.C.M. College also accords due
importance to gender equality policies and its implications in all activities and discourses. B.C.M. College, through its proactive faculty, staff and student programmes, emphasizes values of Gender Equality to assist in the balanced development of young global citizens who can build a healthy society together. Gender Equality is a fundamental human right and therefore our students should have a commitment to granting and guaranteeing equal human rights for all. It is vital that our students understand that Equality carries a notion of sameness, while Equity carries an idea of fairness. The following tenets are drawn up with this aim in mind:

1. Prevent gender biased representation and thereby ensure equal representation in all spheres of students’ lives. Make students understand the dangers of gender stereotypes, patriarchal mindsets and gender roles defining division of labor.
2. Keep encouraging the use of gender inclusive and gender-neutral language and communication.
3. Practise the use of gender neutral titles.
4. Promote respectful and dignified discourses.
5. Set up counselling programs for faculty and students for their mental well-being if they have encountered incidents of prejudice or abuse on the basis of gender.
6. Conduct workshops and awareness classes which foster gender equity.
7. Encourage students to take up gender related research projects.
8. Faculties to promote fair representation of leadership roles, expression of opinions in group activities, unbiased class activities, complaint redressal sessions, confidential counselling hours, and discussions of gender inequality in class.
9. Prevent and oppose gender-based physical and mental abuse.
10. Frame students’ code of conduct based on gender parity.
11. Maintaining an Internal Complaint Committee so that the incidents of gender inequality can be reported immediately.
12. Ensure participation of teacher-professional counsellor- parent-students to discuss matters of serious concern.
13. Promote gender-responsive adolescent health and frequent checking of sanitation facilities and its cleaning.
14. Encourage the use of menstrual cups as a more economical and eco- friendly alternative to sanitary pads.
15. Focus on Quality Enhancing learning outcomes and skill development training programmes.
16. Monitor and evaluate mechanisms for implementation of programmes mentioned above and their follow-ups.
17. Build the capacity of staff to address gender inequalities and assist them to develop solutions to address these through training.
18. To make the students feel empowered, informed and able to discuss gender issues when they recognize them, both at College and outside the College.
19. Creating an environment where staff and students are fully informed about gender issues
20. Anti Dowry Campaign for making aware about the social impact of Dowry.
