HoD’s Message

Zoology is the branch of Life Science which is devoted to the study of animals. Zoology was once considered to be the part of basic Science but now it encompasses interdisciplinary courses which help students to understand the complex nature of biological system. Starting from the cell a zoologist learns the complexity of life forms, their interactions and existence. The vibrant and dedicated staff and students are the strength of the department. Teaching learning process in the department is done with outmost care and concern to ensure that the students achieve their expected learning outcomes and graduate programme outcomes during the course of their study. The department is well equipped with lecture halls, smart class room, laboratories, Zoology Museum and DBT – FIST sponsored facilities. The ideal teacher to student ratio of the department ensures that individual attention is given to all the students. Two meritorious students of the department are selected every year for the prestigious Annie Charles scholarship and Miss Chellamma Scholarship. High pass percentage and high student progression to higher studies reflects the quality of teaching process carried out. From classical zoology to embryology, biotechnology, marine biology, etc. our graduates spans out in different fields of biological sciences. Students are also nurtured for their overall development including communication skill, leadership quality, problem solving ability, critical thinking etc. This has helped our graduates to get placed in banks, corporate sectors, as conservationists, teaching institutes and many more. Various student centric programmes like peer teaching, learning buddy system, tutorial sessions, Scholar Support Programme, and Walk With the Scholar programme are regularly carried out in the department. The department also collaborates with Breakthrough Science Society, Kumarakom Nature Society and Zoological Society of Kerala in conducting various science programmes. National and International seminars as well as webinars are conducted periodically to update the knowledge base of students. Well qualified faculty who are active in research guides students in their dissertations. The Zoology Association of the department is very vibrant with its manifold activities pertaining to different fields of Biological Science. Social and environmental consciousness of students is evoked through their participation in disaster relief activities, monsoon epidemic outbreak monitoring, mangrove restoration programme and their initiatives to refuse plastic through PAARISTHITHIKAM project. The leadership and planning skills of students are tuned and perfected by conducting various inter and intra collegiate competitions and fests. Our vibrant Alumnae speak volumes about their life here at zoology department. Here at the department of zoology, we welcome all the aspiring students to join hands with us and get transformed though the process of knowledge gaining and sharing.

Ms. Priya Thomas

Department of Zoology came into existence in 1959 under the leadership of Late Prof. T Joseph. Zoology was one of the subjects of study for the intermediate programme started in 1955 along with the inception of college. Over the last six decades our dedicated Faculty has given their best in uplifting, illuminating and empowering the students and their families through sharing of knowledge. The holistic development and achievements of students assure us that their efforts were not in vain.
With its humble beginning as an intermediate subject, the department has now become one of the best in the college with its talented and multifaceted students. The diverse fields of expertise of faculty members along with the timely guidance from the Principal, Vice Principals and the Management contribute to the efficient functioning of the department.
Candidates in this discipline are basically taught regarding animal anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, genetics, evolution, ecology, behavior, environmental biology, biostatistics, and bioinformatics. Career options after pursuing a BSc, MSc and Ph.D. in Zoology are varied. Candidates find opportunities in government departments, environmental agencies, universities, colleges, biotechnological, pharmaceutical, environmental/ecological fields.
The department is equipped with well-maintained and updated laboratories which adequately support all practical sessions and research work to some extent. Some areas of research include Microbiology, Physiology, Community Health and Biodiversity studies. Besides UGC aid, the Department is also supported by DBT-FIST.
Transition from a traditional system of learning to a new era of skill based learning is made possible with the introduction of Employability Augmentation Courses- EAC and Kshamata Va Kushalatha/ Gateways to Success courses. These courses will help students to acquire basic life skills as well as entrepreneurial skills.
The continuous assessment strategies which include Grade Enhancement Assessments help advanced as well as disadvantaged students to achieve their expected learning outcomes. Student participation in minor research projects (UGC funded) as well as other projects like PAARISHTHIKAM (Directorate of Energy and Climate Change) instills scientific temper and aptitude in them. Faculty and students are updated in frontiers of science through conducting and attending seminars as well as organizing webinars at national and international level.
The well curated department museum with its rare specimens is a place to appreciate animal phylogeny and to study animals from different phylum. The department also holds a wide array of reference books in the department library.Various extension activities taken up by the department benefit different strata of society. Blood donation camps, preparing blood group data bank of college by our students, cleaning of District Hospital premises, cleaning of Kumarakom Bird Sanctuary, Mangrove Restoration Campaign, and Smack Mosquito Campaign are some of the activities undertaken by the department. To showcase and foster the literary skills of our students, a department manuscript magazine PHOENIX is published annually by students. Along with four teachers and more than hundred students, the Zoology family of Bishop Chulaparambil Memorial College continues forward in her journey of seeking wisdom and Grace.

Our Mission

To inculcate highest values of life through transformative power of Science education

Our Objectives

  • To promote holistic development through quality education in Life Sciences
  • To develop research aptitude and scientific temper among students
  • To inculcate critical thinking and analytical capability among students
  • To provide skill based programme and to promote self-employability among students


  • Four year B.Sc.(Hons) Zoology Programme with specialization in Genomics
  • Three year B.Sc Zoology Programme with Botany and Chemistry as complementary subjects
  • Complementary course for B.Sc Botany, B.Sc family and Community Science and B. Sc Food Science and Quality control ( Self – financing stream)
  • Open course entitled ‘Health and Nutrition’ for fifth semester students
  • Two Employability Augmentation Courses ( Certificate Course)
    – Ornamental fish breeding – culture and management – Life skill education
  • Kshamata Va Kushalatha/ Gateway to success ( Zero credit course)
    – Community Health and Education.


  • Minor Research Project on the Impacts of waste disposal on the water quality parameters of dug wells of Vadavathoor grama panjayath in kottayam district. Sanctioned amount- Rs. 1,40,000/-

PERIOD : 28/03/2014 to 27/03/2015, Ref.No. MRP(S)-0812/13-14/KLMG030/UGC-SWRO.

Principal Investigator : DR. Elezabeth Basil
Co- Investigator : Ms. Priya Thomas
Final Report – https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ge0KmiimFtZPo2xh6bpNCpml8YLjY2vL/view?usp=sharing


  • ‘PAARISTHITHIKAM- 2018’- funded by the Directorate of Environment and climate change, Govt. of Kerala. Sanctioned amount- Rs. 75,000/-.

Coordinator – Ms. Priya Thomas

DoECC/E1/966/2018 dated. 31/10/2018.

Actvity report  – https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vJ0OP9el8gvXBfrqKQ6AEOt4v0W3tOrA/view?usp=sharing